Nourison Rugs & Runners

Shop luxury Nourison rugs online including the Celestial rug, Living Treasures and Kathy Ireland rugs. Nourison rugs and runners offer a vast selection of timeless designs and styles for the modern age, each meticulously made with the finest traditional craftsmanship and state-of-the-art techniques. Established in New York in 1980 by the Peykar Brothers, this family-run business boast almost 40 years of elegant rug design and home accessory expertise and are proud to produce over 85% of their carpets and runners using sustainable natural fibres and methods. Find out more about the Nourison brand over on our blog. From traditional style Persian rugs and handmade carpet runner rugs to modern designs infused with rich colour, Nourison offer a variety of signature collections, luxuriously handmade and loom woven in a variety of luscious materials and fibres to create beautiful rugs that are reminiscent of a family heirloom.

Luxury Nourison Rugs

Working with home interior brands such as Kathy Ireland, many of our Nourison rugs are available in a range of shapes, from gloriously slim carpet runners to perfectly round rugs to take centre stage in an interior scheme. Simply choose the rug style you’re most drawn to and take a look at the description, detailing the range of sizes and shapes available alongside carpet prices and essential details. Alternatively, if you’d like to view one of our designer rugs before you buy, please visit our Tewkesbury furniture showroom where you can find our beautiful collection of Nourison rugs on display. Whether its the age-old Persian style, the vibrant design depth of Prismatic or the cool transitional tones of the Twilight collection that catches your eye, all our Nourison rugs are made with the finest materials and craftsmanship to ensure a finish you'll adore in any room of the home.

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From £195.00


From £195.00


From £195.00


From £195.00

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